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Identification & Background:

Project title: VALLPASS: Active and inteLigente surveillance with Lora support for PASSadeiras.

Project code:NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-113439

Main objective:Strengthening research, technologicaldevelopmentandinnovation

Region of intervention: North

Beneficiary entities:

VALLED, Lda (Project Leader)

IPB – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

MORE – Laboratório Colaborativo Montanhas de Investigação – Associação

Approval date: 29-07-2021

Start date: 01-07-2021

Conclusion date: 30-06-2023

Total eligible investment: € 471.834,28 

MORE CoLAB eligible investment: €118,551.9

Financial support of the FCT: FEDER – € 345.802,50



Develop a crosswalk that will ensure the safe crossing of pedestrians, the equipment will have a set of functions and technological innovations. The system will have a set of innovative features, such as:

  1. Energetically autonomous and completely disconnected from the electric power supply network;
  2. The commissioning stage will be carried out transparently, following the plug-and-play philosophy;
  3. Creation of a set of innovative functions, namely: a) creation of a luminous tunnel for the safe passage of pedestrians (created by installing two poles in opposite positions to the direction of crossing); b) creation of an alert system, when there are people at the crossing, for drivers, allowing an increase in their perception;
  4. Maintenance and resiliency of the system will be innovative in the development and use of self maintenance techniques;
  5. Remote management system.
  6. Self-maintenance models.
  7. Auto-organization algorithm for auto-commissioning.
  8. Efficient energy management in adverse climatic environments.
  9. Final management solution for crossing support.
  10. Improving crossing conditions and crosswalk visibility.
  11. Increased visibility by drivers.
  12. Remote and auto-maintenance.


  • A1 – Requirements, study case definition, and evaluation metrics
  • A2 – Remote management of the VallPass ecosystem
  • A3 – VallPass development
  • A4 – Integration, tests and validation
  • A5 – Project management

Expected results

Safe pedestrian passage system, a solution that fits into smart-cities, an energy self-sufficient solution.

Avenida Cidade de Léon, 506
5301-358 Bragança

+351 300 081 998
+351 300 081 999